Ep 77 - The Hustle Behind Bounce Back PH

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How can businesses survive the aftermath of Covid-19? In this episode, Ronster chats with Jason Dela Rosa, the creator of Bounce Back PH, the biggest online group that supports businesses recover from Covid-19's effects. Jason will share his entrepreneurial journey and the wins and losses he got that allowed him to amass a ton of experiences that he compiled in his book called The Practical Entrepreneur. Jason will also share why he started Bounce Back PH and how it grew exponentially over the past few weeks during the quarantine by helping front liners and businesses during this crisis. Jason will also share key information that businesses need that he gathered in the group in order to bounce back in this episode brought to you by AWS.

Links mentioned in this episode:

1. Bounce Back PH Official

2. The Practical Entrepreneur

3. Medix Serve

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