#AskHustleshare 5 - How Does A Startup Formulate Its Culture?

In this edition of #AskHustleshare, Ronster will be answering 3 very interesting questions sent by Hustleshare listeners. The first question is about how can founders protect their business solution from being stolen. The second question asks about how social enterprises can raise funds and the last question asks us how to formulate a startup's company culture. Ronster also provides a lot of tools in this episode that will definitely help with your startup hustle.

Got questions you want to ask Ronster or any previous startup founder we've had on the podcast? Shoot us an email at ask@hustleshare.com so we can tackle your questions and help you with your hustle!

Links mentioned in this episode:

  1. “Ideas are just a multiplier of execution” (Taken from “Anything You Want” by Derek Sivers)

  2. Trillion Dollar Coach Book (Bill Campbell)

  3. The Rule of 3 and 10 (Phil Libin)

Do you have questions that you want to ask the Hustleshare team? Message us at http://m.me/hustleshare or join the Hustleshare Community on Facebook to get first dibs on the episodes we will be releasing. We’ll look forward to hearing from you!