#AskHustleshare 2 - How Do You Split Equity Among Co-Founders?

Our first letter sender in #AskHustleshare sent us several questions about how they can split their equity among his co-founders before they pitched a potential investor for a startup they are working on. Ronster brought along his co-founders in Podcast Network Asia who are experts in this field to answer the questions on how to properly structure splitting equity among co-founders and how to valuate their company that is pre-revenue.

Got questions you want to ask Ronster or any previous startup founder we've had on the podcast? Shoot us an email at ask@hustleshare.com so we can tackle your questions and help you with your hustle!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Do you have questions that you want to ask the Hustleshare team? Message us at http://m.me/hustleshare or join the Hustleshare Community on Facebook to get first dibs on the episodes we will be releasing. We’ll look forward to hearing from you!